Debbie Cousins's Journal, 02 May 19

Lots has been going on with me – none of it good. My eating has been totally out of control. I’ve also been sleeping A LOT. I sleep, then get up and eat (nothing I’m SUPPOSED to be eating), and then go back to bed, then repeat. Today, I’ve had SIX chicken salad sandwiches on King’s Hawaiian Sweet Rolls, TWO BBQ’s with coleslaw on Martin’s Potato Rolls, THREE “Chicken Biscuits” (which are brown & serve rolls hollowed out, then the bread fried in butter and filled with the buttery crumbs mixed with cream of chicken soup and stuffed back into the shells and baked. I also just had TWO individual cups of ice cream with chocolate chips, pecans & coconut mixed in. Oh, and I had either potato chips or Cheetos with each serving of sandwiches. NOT my finest moments! I’ve been eating like this for the past several days.

There’s a lot of stress in my life right now. On Tuesday, I had to get the house ready and do all the cooking for a birthday party of 16 people.

On Thursday, I found out that we owe over $4 THOUSAND DOLLARS in Federal Income taxes (we’ve never owed over a couple HUNDRED before, AND that we have to start paying quarterly taxes, the first of which - $1,000 - is already due! It really knocked the wind out of me. My husband is the Pastor of a very small church and, though we get to live in the church parsonage for free and don’t have to pay for electricity, his actual salary is only $18,600 a year!

On that same day, I found out that my best friend, who has been in a mental hospital 16 hours away for over a MONTH is going to have to stay there indefinitely. I really MISS her, though at least we get to talk on the phone once a day now – for several weeks, we couldn’t even do that. I’m very angry because her father is controlling her life and her parents treat her like a child, even though she is 32 years old. It looks like she will miss my birthday in June and like I’ll miss hers in July. With the financial strain, there is no way I can afford to go to Florida to visit her.

I STARTED going astray before either of these things happened, though. I had decided at the end of last week that I was going to go back to full-on Keto starting Monday. First thing I did when I woke up was to eat a navel orange, and then another one. So much for THAT idea.

I don’t want to be this person – this out of control, “so what if I’m gaining,” BAD EXAMPLE of a person! I LOVED getting on the scale every morning and seeing it go down. I LOVED being a good example that could feel confident in leading my challenge participants to success. Now, I feel like an utter failure. I know this is only temporary, but I don’t see an end in sight. I need divine intervention! I need God to give me the WANT TO before I can even attempt getting back on track. This is the worst I’ve been since I came back in January.

Just typing about it makes me want to go back to bed, which I will do. Sigh. At least when I’m asleep, I’m not EATING! What I SHOULD do is go on an extended fast (like 3 days) to get control of my eating again. But, as of this point, I just don't have the motivation to even start it, much less stick to it. Oh well. I guess things will turn around eventually.

I still care about everyone, and am still trying very hard to keep up with all my Notifications and "Supporting" people's weigh-ins and Journal entries.

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Aww I'm so sorry. I can relate but my bill is over 20k all by myself. I guess stress sucks. Hang in there, this too shall pass. Sorry about you friend. Hugs, 
02 May 19 by member: jenjabba
Be careful! If the fatigue persists, you may be more seriously depressed than just stressed. Lethargy, lack of interest in activities that normally motivate you, difficulty concentrating, sudden increase in appetite—all of those are signs of clinical depression. If they’ve persisted for more than a few months, I would definitely call in some backup 😊 
02 May 19 by member: emidee
Sounds like some serious depression mama ❤️❤️ Sometimes you just got to do like the Soldiers do and “embrace the suck” Get through it. It will end. God is there for you even when you don’t feel him 🙏🏻❤️ 
02 May 19 by member: CrashtestDawnie
Hugs Debbie,praying for you🙏🏻 
02 May 19 by member: Qtlainel
what you are going through stinks. I stress this point. You need to speak to someone and get help. I was there myself and needed help with my self destruction. I sought help and it was the best thing I ever did. Remember, no matter what your heavenly Father loves you unconditionally.  
02 May 19 by member: eross
I have been there many times Debbie and totally feel your pain. Use us and let us share the pain with you. Great post. It really works. We’ve got your back 💙. So sorry you’re going through this but dig in and keep coming back. This too, shall pass. Like Winston Churchill said, when you’re going through hell, keep going. 👊🏻 
02 May 19 by member: GardenOfHeeden
Lots of love Debbie! You are such a source of support and inspiration here but please look after you first. We’ll be fine and seriously are here for you to lean on. 
02 May 19 by member: gingrins
Go on line and check out Food Addicts Anonymous in are describing food addiction my You need help darlin and quick. Free 12_step program This kind of eating can kill you.  
02 May 19 by member: DianneGardner
(((((hugs))))) and prayers that you will find the way to helping yourself. Sending positive thoughts your way. 
02 May 19 by member: kclab
oh my !!! sound like you need a good tax person--like a cpa not an company one like hr block or something 
02 May 19 by member: wholefoodnut
Hang in there lady. 
02 May 19 by member: adamevegod1
life is stressful... i see a therapist. it really helps to talk about it and get insight..taking care of yourself isn't just weight bit also our mental well being. there is absolutely nothing wrong helping yourself emotionally and mentally! d exercise is good for the brain too! gets you energy and feeling better about yourself. hang in there! you got this!!! 
02 May 19 by member: erink78
There are so many good twelve step programs. I’m a member of A.A. The first step is the only one that you need to do perfectly. Plug in your poison ie food, drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, and you’ll realize how unmanageable your life has become from these things. I needed to turn my life over to a Power Greater than myself because I can’t do it alone and fellowship with others with a like problem was important also. When I discovered I didn’t suffer from terminal uniqueness and others suffered as I did I started on a life changing journey. Getting a sponsor and home group and working the 12 Steps are key for my recovery. God bless you and I hope this helps. I know it helped me. One suffering from an addiction who has found his way helping another find their way (12th Step) 
02 May 19 by member: Mike14559
oh my sweet Debbie, we dont understand why we go through this trials and tribulations, we only know that we serve a Mighty God that never gives us more than we can handle! You need to take a deep breath like I do and just ask God to show us how to hang ti Him. It breaks me inside to see how people that serves Him suffers so much, but all I do is read my Bible, do some journaling and try to let my soul connect with the Holy Spirit; no it's not fair but what I just know is that this suffering is nothing compared to the joy that we will have one's we leave this horrible place. Hang in there sweetie, grap the Word and ask God to speak to you and guide you and your hubby🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌I will be praying for you and you got me on Messenger if you need to send me a message!GBY guy's ❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰💋💋💋💋 
02 May 19 by member: Holygirl57
I am very sorry to hear that. Financial insecurity, to me, is one of the most difficult things to cope with. Moments like that makes me incredibly anxious. Hosting others in my home is another one. I can understand and it is perfectly okay to feel anxious. Sometimes when I have a difficult time finding healthy ways to cope, I visit 1) to get insight on why I may act the way I'm acting and 2) to find ways to get my head back in the game. Here is a great article on how to mitigate the feeling of anxiety....start with a few long, deep breaths and slow yourself down: 
02 May 19 by member: AboutMyTribe
Aww sweetie - I think we all know how you feel and have been in the same place...We all are here for you 
02 May 19 by member: HCB
So sorry for your recent personal problems and the backslide. Been there and done that hundreds of times over last 50 years since my first diet on Weight Watchers. I have found the best way to get back into the non-hunger stage is to eat a full Keto diet and drink at last 64 iz of water for 3 days. Then, then the hunger has diminished, get right back in your weight loss mode. I just started FatSecret last week and find it so helpful. Good luck. 
02 May 19 by member: elainepollack dad is a CPA...I would be happy to inbox you his email for him to take a look at what's going on with your taxes.  
02 May 19 by member: AboutMyTribe
Please remind yourself that food does not make you feel better.......what you are doing by indulging is actually making you feel worse. It is a vicious cycle and I am sorry you are dealing with this now. You are a strong determined woman who has accomplished so much. Forgive yourself and start again. We all fall. What is important is to get back up.  
03 May 19 by member: gogogirl59
Debbie, I'm so sorry that you're struggling with food issues at the same time as tax issues. I can imagine that the stress of these tax issues has got you taking refuge in food. Weve both "been there, done that -- in spades!" I'm sure! Perhaps a three-day fast is not the best approach. It may be too discouraging if you can't stick to it. Since you need to get your hunger and cravings under control *yesterday*, planning your meals ahead within strict LCHF/keto parameters will accomplish that, as I'm sure you've experienced. Best wishes! I'm praying for you! 
03 May 19 by member: Miraculum


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