alicethealigator's Journal

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11 October 2021

Ok...for those of you tempted to 'take a weekend off', don't! I do mean, be kind to yourself and if a little indulgence makes you smile it's all ok. I just mean BE CAREFUL! Here's not what to do...
Have 3 slices of birthday cake, 1000s calories of cocktails, rehydrate with energy drinks and not enough sleep. The Fitbit said I'd done 2 aerobic workouts and a walk (while I was dancing) but it didn't compensate for OVER indulging!
2.9 kg increase in weight over the weekend... yes, it is not all fat: water retention, constipation all add kilos (remember 1 Lt water = 1 kg) but it's the MENTAL impact it can have on your psyche. Probably not the best time to reweigh yourself ... but then maybe it was just what I needed to do to remind me, give myself a kick in the pants and get back on track LOVING MYSELF! Bike ride today for sure!

11 October 2021

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
77.9 kg 0 kg 18.9 kg Reasonably Well
   Add Comment Gaining 1.8 kg a Week

07 October 2021

30 September 2021

The Big Bread Debate:

Pretty much any "diet" will tend towards reducing your bread intake or at the very least going supper grainy... none of that white blurgh. Why do we like bread in our diet so much? Convenience! Quick toast in the morning, an easy sandwich for lunch etc

I'm on the keto diet, no, keto life-kick, I cringe at the word diet. One key stable, i.e. bread, will never ever compare to your regular shop-bought bread. I am coeliac so I have been using GF bread for some time. I've tried a couple of brands for Keto Bread. Both need to be toasted and buttered (yay! if you are on a keto life-kick). Vogel's is just no good and for an avid label reader, I can't believe I missed the fact that the main ingredient is soy flour (and depending on your digestive system it can reeked havoc on your guts). It's super dry and somewhat tasteless (now I have a whole loaf to get through). I much preferred the Venerdi Keto Bread!

I could buy both at Pak'nSave: the Vogel's is $7.99 and I think the Veneredi was more expensive but worth it!

Mmm...Following the Keto life-kick works for me but I really have to calorie count to make sure my portion sizes are under control. Now I'm back in my groove, the calorie counting is getting less obsessive. The program I use is Claudia J. Cauldwell. Recipes taste good but are time-consuming when you first start out. Only expensive until you stock up with the pantry basics. Four weeks in and weight change is nice and gradual - I do not want to yoyo diet and be back at this weight ever again.

30 September 2021

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
75 kg 0.9 kg 16 kg Reasonably Well
   Add Comment Losing 0.5 kg a Week

alicethealigator's Weight History

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